Monday, May 11, 2020

Away by Michael Gow - 857 Words

Michael Gow’s play Away is the story of three different Australian families who go on holiday for Christmas in the sixties. By going away each family is hoping to resolve their issues. Although Away is set some time ago the themes and issues explored in the play are still relevant to a modern day audience, even one of a non-Australian background. Shakespearean plays that were written many hundreds of years ago and are still understandable and relevant to people all over the world today. Away is the story of three Australian families who go on holiday during the Christmas of 1968. Roy and Coral (the headmaster and his wife) are becoming increasingly close to breaking up. Their son was killed in the Vietnam War and Coral is still†¦show more content†¦Meg replies that she couldn’t help herself. I know how she feels. You don’t mean to hurt the person or upset them but you just have to have your say, no matter what the consequences of that may be. I also feel that I can relate to Gwen, Meg’s mother as she reminds me of my own mum. The near constant stressing about everything, and wanting the very best for her daughter is very familiar. The issue of death is also covered in Away. Roy and Coral lost a son in the Vietnam was and Coral is still grieving for him. While Harry and Vic know that there son Tom is going to die from leukaemia. People all over the world, no matter what language they speak, what culture they come from, or which country they live in can understand and empathise with what these families may be feeling. The sense of loss and grief that comes with death is a universal feeling that can make the play relevant to so manyShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Away By Michael Gow925 Words   |  4 PagesIn Michael Gow’s play ‘Away’, a story of families in the 1960’s and how they come to embrace each other’s differences through gaining self-knowledge. Through identifying the context of act 3 scene 2, as well as the relationships between characters and the reasons behind them, as well as the stylistic devices used by Gow to share a message with his audiences that, even today, an au dience can relate too. By analysing quotes from the scene to support conclusions, the purpose of this scene will be identifiedRead MoreAnalysis Of Away By Michael Gow751 Words   |  4 PagesAWAY Michael Gow â€Å"Away† is a play written in 1988 by Michael Gow. Away refers to the central ideas of Australia in 1967-68. The central ideas embrace the outsiders, family conflicts and grief and loss which affected families in the play. Gow uses three main families to convey the message of the play. The use of language and stylistic devices influence the way Gow has been able to speak to the modern Australian audience. In the play â€Å"Away† Gow is able to speak to the modern Australian audience withRead MoreAway Michael Gow Analysis808 Words   |  4 PagesSelf-discoveries can affirm or challenge an individual’s previously held attitude through acceptance contributing to a change in perception of self and the world. This notion is explored in Michael Gow’s play â€Å"Away† where three fractured families go on transformative holiday as they experience discoveries about themselves and others. Self-discovery of a certain individual can stimulate modification f or others’ perception and lead them to a more prominent discovery. Similarly, the poem: â€Å"the core†Read MoreAnalysis Of Away By Michael Gow883 Words   |  4 PagesAway is a play written by Michael Gow in 1986. It took him three weeks to write and it had little editing, as there was no complex writing involved. Gow admired Shakespeare’s refusal to be literal and so this was adapted into his play. ‘Despite its historical setting, Away is still able to speak to modern Australian audiences.’ This statement holds a lot of truth, as the play shows family conflict in three separate families, grief and loss in two different stages and people who are seen as differentRead MoreEssay about Away by Michael Gow1387 Words   |  6 PagesAway Set in the Australian summer of 1967, Michael Gow’s Away is an elaborate play which explores the ideas of self- discovery and change. Through the war affected nation, three families, each from different social classes, depart on an iconic Australian holiday to the beach. In the play, Gow utilises the characters to demonstrate that going away physically is intrinsically linked to their mental developments. With the help of references to Shakespeare’s A Midsummer night’s Dream, Away uses GwenRead MoreDiscovery Essay on Away Michael Gow923 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"To discover is to gain sight or knowledge of something.† How have ideas about discovery been shown in Away and The Book Thief Discovery allows main characters to gain sight or knowledge into themselves and others. This is evident in Michael Gow’s Away, as seen through the characters of Gwen, Coral and Tom. The three gain sight and knowledge into theirRead MoreAway by Michael Gow Character Analysis Essay2386 Words   |  10 Pagesis supported by her husband Roy, but Roy is not the best supporter at times. Coral is quiet and hasn’t built many strong relationships with others as others are trying to with her ‘Did you enjoy the play? [Coral stares at her for a moment then looks away’.] Roy: Roy is the principal at Meg and Tom’s school. He is a very well-spoken man who seems to be quite successful. â€Å"So what do you think of our little Chips Rafferties, eh? Proud mums and dads?† He’s married to his wife Coral who is a very mysteriousRead MoreAway by Michael Gow: Character Analysis Essay examples684 Words   |  3 Pagesattitude and this causes Coral to lower herself to the behavior of a naà ¯ve child â€Å"I’ll be good! I’ll improve!† When Coral does begin to speak, it is presented as very expressive and mournful. Her tone is filled with emotion as she is constantly â€Å"wiping away tears†. Coral finally begins to socialize, with a woman named Leonie. She seems instigated by the fact that Leonie (the woman) appeared to be hiding something. Leonie (like Roy) attempts to conceal her distress with a social disguise. Whilst dismissingRead Moreessay on preliminary topic journey847 Words   |  4 Pagesfound. Through Michael Gow’s ‘Away’ and ‘The Blind Side’ produced by John Lee Hancock, applications of both dramatic and film techniques allow the responder to see the direct impacts a journey puts on the traveller, either physically, emotionally or spiritually. We see this through bald transformations in the characters of both texts when they part take on a physical travel that takes them on an internal journey to discover a renewed inner purpose. In Michael Gow’s play â€Å"Away† Coral’s, physicalRead MoreBelonging Essay1446 Words   |  6 Pagesare clear divisions in him not belonging. The related texts reviewed include ‘The Arrival’ (Shaun Tan, 2006) graphic novel which illustrates a visual story of an immigrant who leaves home to create a better life for his family and the play ‘Away’ (Michael Gow, 1993). Thus it may be ascertained, that belonging defines who we are. In the poem of ‘Feliks Skrzyneckis’ Peter Skrzynecki explores filial relationships. This issue is highlighted between Feliks and Peter Skrzynecki, a cultural barrier

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