Saturday, May 23, 2020

A Comparison of Feminism in Trifles and A Jury of Her...

Feminism in Trifles and A Jury of Her Peers As a strong feminist, Susan Glaspell wrote â€Å"Trifles† and then translated it to a story called â€Å"A Jury of Her Peers.† These works express Glaspell’s view of the way women were treated at the turn of the century. Even though Glaspell is an acclaimed feminist, her story does not contain the traditional feminist views of equal rights for both sexes. The short story and the play written by Susan Glaspell are very much alike. The story takes place in an old country town in the early 1900’s. Mr. Hale has found his neighbor, John Wright, strangled upstairs in the Wrights’ house with Minnie Wright, John’s wife, sitting calmly downstairs. With John Wright dead and his wife in jail,†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"A Jury of Her Peers† is refers to the people who are judging Minnie Wright for her crime. In the story, Mrs. Hale and the sheriff’s wife, Mrs. Peters, are the peers whom the author is referring to and who are judging Minnie Wright. These women know Mrs. Wright and their views of her are altered by the fact that she is their neighbor and also a woman. The women feel sorry for Mrs. Wright because her husband was emotionally abusive to her. They do not pay attention to the fact that she did indeed kill someone. If Susan Glaspell had really wanted women to be treated just like men, she would have written the story so that Minnie Wright had a normal trial. Minnie Wright should have gotten a trial with a jury consisting of people who did not know her or anything about her past. To a true feminist, equal rights are very important. A woman should be treated like a man regardless of the crimes committed. When Minnie Wright killed her husband, the women thought that she had a right to because she had been emotionally abused while she was married to her husband. That does not mean that John Wright did not have a right to live. If the roles had been reversed, and it was John Wright who kill ed Minnie Wright, then there would be no question that John Wright would have been accused, prosecuted, and convicted. People would have said that there were no excuses for what he did. Even the men wouldShow MoreRelatedFeminism : Women s Rights On The Grounds Of Political, Social, And Economic Equality1529 Words   |  7 PagesFeminism is a term defined as the advocacy of women s rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men. This theory is centered on women living in patriarchal society. During the 1900s life for women differed greatly from the lives of men. Patriarch communities were very prevalent during this time. As a result Susan Glaspell dedicated many, if not all of her works as dramas describing the restricting view of women living in the early twentieth century. Feminism shows how

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