Sunday, December 8, 2019

Contemporary Strategy Culture and Leadership

Question: Discuss about the Contemporary Strategy Culture and Leadership. Answer: Introduction: SIR RICHARD BRANSON is a global entrepreneur who believes in retrieving the best out of his employees. The Virgin Company is characterized as a group of traditional company where two or more individuals in the organization interact with each other in order to carry out common objective. The Virgin Group does not have a structure of an organization. Within the Virgin Group there is both formal and informal structure. The company is having a cross- functional structure. The teams work together to achieve common objectives (Carroll, Levy and Richmond, 2008). The cross functional team works effectively in separate department and work in coordination in order to achieve common goals. As per Branson it is important for an organization to hire efficient workforce so that the goals can be attained. Considering the long term growth in an organization it is essential to drive the workforce by implementing effective plans. They have a problem solving team where the primary motive of an organiza tion is to implement the objectives in an efficient manner (Northouse, 2012). The purpose of the team is to work in a coordinated environment to provide growth to the organization. Finding solution for every problem is the key motive at Virgin Group that helps in achieving realistic goals. The top management team provides direction to the subordinates so that they work more efficiently. The team is coordinated by the top level management and instructions are given by the team so that they can coordinate the functions more efficiently. This is necessary to understand for the teams to manage the functions in coordination with each other. The Virgin Group has both formal and informal structure that helps the organization in coordinating the function more efficiently. The most appropriate functions can only exist if more focus is being delivered in managing the overall group efforts. This is the most common objective of an organization to promote group functions through continuous motiv ation (Schein, 2010). Stages of Development and Task role influence Branson believes in giving freedom to the employees help in increasing the overall yield. He understands that the development in the Virgin Group is only possible if the employees are highly satisfied. It is essential to know the employee on more personal level outside the work. This will help in efficient management of the long term relationship with the employees (Wheatley, 2011). As per George Hormans theory the formal group requires constant interaction that will help in attaining objectives. According to Branson good team work and high level of cooperation must exist in between the teams. This help in promoting the essential values in the teams. As per the theory it is essential for the organization to develop the task role and influence in order to increase the effectiveness. The Whole Virgin Group is divided into the small business where an individual can participate in the activity by managing the different role at work. They have an option to choose the most appropriate job that is suitable for them. The corporate activities occurring at the virgin group helps in attaining the goal of the organization (Aaker and Joachimsthaler, 2012). In long term it has become essential for an organization to understand the ability and experience connected with an activity that help in managing various role attached with an activity. Good team work and high level of cooperation is required in between the captain, co-pilot, navigator and flight attendant. This help in managing the activities more effectively. It is the duty of an organization to develop more efficient role and stages in order to influence the overall output. Employees at the Virgin Group are attracted towards the goals if they get a department of their choice. The attitude of an individual towards an objective is necessary to attain the goal within a group (Kotter, 2008). Characteristics of a group The Group Members at the Virgin Group do have various goals to fulfill their role. There are certain group task roles that help in coordinating the role more appropriately. There are different role within a group that include coordinator, information giver and information seeker. In the company there are various maintenance roles such as standard setter, follower and encourager. The group is working on the ground need to develop series of qualities in order to manage the role. The emergent leaders take these roles upon themselves and work more consistently in order to retrieve benefits (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014). Employees at Virgin group can take self oriented roles that encourage teamwork and engagement with various groups of people. Group size At Virgin group is given special consideration. The ideal recommended group size at virgin Group is five or seven. An odd number in the group size helps in avoiding the deviation (Storey, 2007). A group can attain sustainable growth if it has dynamic leader. The Group norm is the part of the group behavior that helps in attaining sustainable growth. The entrepreneurs are the one who understand that the challenges can only be met if the organization forms objectives that are in coordination with the organizational goals. The cohesiveness of the group plays an important role in managing the functions. The various roles at Virgin group are well-managed in order to attain systematic result. On a long run the company has an objective to attain goals in order to gain consistency. The employees can take in self-oriented goals that will help in managing sustainable objectives. Managing roles and responsibilities is one of the important tasks of a manager in an organization. It is therefore important to form effective policies by giving employees with a liberty to choose the most appropriate function. On a long run it is evident that the company can only give efficient result if managed well (Boxall and Purcell, 2011). Social interaction and support group action Social interaction is important for an organization to attain distinguished objectives. Large sized business organization is looking for gaining efficient results by emphasizing upon the social Interaction. The Virgin group gives importance to social interaction within the organization. It is necessary for a business organization to interact with the employees in order to attain efficient results. The employees should be given a platform to interact with the other employees. This help in giving them with an opportunity to grow in an effective manner. The Virgin group focuses on inter-group activities that will help in attaining organizational objectives. Group cohesiveness is necessary and plays a vital role in managing the activities. In order to attain high level of goals, each member should have similar objectives (Grant, 2016). The members in an organization can only attain the objectives if they have similar objectives. Performance is important for an organization In order to av ail desired results. For example the employees at the Virgin group are given liberty to take decision. According to Branson it is important for an organization to let the employees interact with each other. The Social Exchange theory therefore promotes the interaction in between the formal group. The group activity in an organization plays an important role in understanding the values. Good teamwork is only possible if the employees are given an opportunity to openly interact with each other. It is essential for the teams to manage effective team work that help in managing the activities in an organization. This is necessary to understand for the teams to manage the functions in coordination with each other. It is therefore necessary for the organization to develop activities that help in growing more efficiently (Boselie, 2010). References Aaker, D.A. and Joachimsthaler, E., 2012.Brand leadership. Simon and Schuster. Armstrong, M. and Taylor, S., 2014.Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers. Boselie, P., 2010.Strategic human resource management: A balanced approach. Tata McGraw-Hill Education. Boxall, P. and Purcell, J., 2011.Strategy and human resource management. Palgrave Macmillan. Carroll, B., Levy, L. and Richmond, D., 2008. Leadership as practice: Challenging the competency paradigm.Leadership,4(4), pp.363-379. Grant, R.M., 2016.Contemporary strategy analysis: Text and cases edition. John Wiley Sons. Kotter, J.P., 2008.Force for change: How leadership differs from management. Simon and Schuster. Northouse, P.G., 2012.Leadership: Theory and practice. Sage. Schein, E.H., 2010.Organizational culture and leadership(Vol. 2). John Wiley Sons. Storey, J., 2007.Human resource management: A critical text. Cengage Learning EMEA. Wheatley, M., 2011.Leadership and the new science: Discovering order in a chaotic world. ReadHowYouWant. com.

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