Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Difference Between Animals and Humans Essay - 1485 Words

Animal rights are an important topic to discuss and review. The trouble is the vast diversity of how people see humans and animals and how they are different and yet the same. Animals are in every aspect of our lives in how they are utilized to make our lives easier, to sustain us, or as a pet. Unfortunately, the line of animals and humans blurs as the widely known belief that we are a derivation of an animal and we should treat them as we would ourselves. This viewpoint, however, can be taken to an extreme as we see pets that can be pampered quite a bit. Relating back to the four authors in our text, there is considerable controversy on how animals should be treated. While some interesting positions arise with the various authors, to†¦show more content†¦One view that is taken upon animals is that they cannot feel anything, so therefore, it does not hurt the animal but more the owner—in the view of pets. (E, p. 533) He explains that the owner of the pet feels more pa in about the injured pet then that of the animals injury, and continues to explain that this viewpoint is irrelevant because pain is where it is felt, physiologically. The only reason that the belief is held is because the owner of the pet has a moral obligation to ensure the pets safety, and that the owner can actually do something about it—this is the subconscious view of the owner. He then tries to give some points on how animals should be treated. He argues that there is this â€Å"cruelty-kindness view† in that he states â€Å"†¦we have a direct duty to be kind to animals and a direct duty not to be cruel to them.† (E, p. 536) This view seems to have a valid argument but his argument begins to fail as he blurs the lines of human and animal interests during his argument to support this. However, Peter Singer has some level of agreement but takes a different stance. Peter Singer’s argues that we should take a utilitarian viewpoint on how people should treat animals. He sees that animals can, in some cases, be smarter than humans and should therefore have some rights in how the animals should be treated. His argument holds this general viewpoint, â€Å"..we [should] extend to other species the basicShow MoreRelatedThe Difference Between Human Language And Animal Language Essay1123 Words   |  5 PagesResearch Paper of â€Å"Animal Communication† If you have a pet like dog, you will think it knows us. They know our expressions and they always can give us a comfort when we are in terrible situation. I think a lot of people often think about do animals know humans’ language? I want to discuss about Do animals have ability to learn language and what is the difference between human language and animal language. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

Birth Weight And Parity Relationship Health And Social Care Essay Free Essays

World Health Organization defined low birth weight as a per centum of unrecorded Born babies that weigh less than 2500 g, for a given clip period. Infant mortality addition particular to deliver weight if they weigh less than 2500 gms ( 1 ) . Low birth weight is caused by short gestational age or intrauterine growing deceleration or a combination of both. We will write a custom essay sample on Birth Weight And Parity Relationship Health And Social Care Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Low birth weight is an of import cause for infant mortality in United Kingdom ( 2 ) and can impact baby ‘s wellness in approaching old ages. Birth weight is associated with perinatal mortality and morbidity every bit good as with diseases like type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease in maturity ( 3 ) . New born babes with birth weight of less than 2500g history for 7 % of all unrecorded births in developed states ( 4 ) . Low birth weight varies widely in adult females of different socio-economic position e.g.in early 1890ss, in England and Wales the per centum of low birth weight births was 8.2 % in unskilled societal category V versus 5.4 % in professional societal category I based on the business of the male parent ( 4 ) . Smoke is the 1 of the major modifiable hazard factor lending to low birth weight of new born babes. Babies born to female parents, who smoke, weigh on mean 200g less than babes born to female parents, who does non smoke. Harmonizing to Messecar et al the tobacco users have twice the incidence of low birth weight as compared to non-smokers ( 7 ) .Socio-economic position strongly affects smoking surcease in gestation. Womans with lower income, instruction and unemployed are far more likely to go on smoking than adult females from higher socioeconomic position groups ( 8 ) . Smoking surcease reduces the prevalence of low birth weight and increase birth weight among pregnant adult females who stop smoke as a consequence of successful intercession ( 9 ) . We conducted a prospective observational survey, in which we recruited pregnant adult females showing to the labour ward of local District General Hospital in active labors in May 2004.We included adult females who were willing to take part with singleton gestation dated by ultrasound. Mean age of participants were 31.33 ( old ages ) .Women who were non in labor, non willing to take part, with learning disablements, terminal unwellness and with Intrauterine deceases or still births at the clip of presentation were excluded. We gave eligible adult females the elaborate information cusps sing our survey and a trained wellness attention professional took consent from willing female parents. We used structured signifier to roll up the information and used instance notes of voluntaries to roll up this information. We collected informations on maternal age ( uninterrupted variable ) , gestational age ( uninterrupted variable ) , on smoke position ( categorical variable ) , BMI ( uninterrupted variable ) and gender of new born ( categorical variable ) . General demographic information was besides collected. We used standard mensurating graduated table in labour ward to enter the birth weight ( uninterrupted dependant variable ) of the new Born and used units of gms for weight measuring. Data was analysed with the aid of statistician based at the section of Basic Health Sciences University of Leicester. We used SPSS16 package bundle to analyze the information. Over a period of 30 yearss we invited all eligible adult females to take part in our survey from the labour ward of local District General infirmary, merely 150 volunteered to take part. In our informations one individual has all losing values except birth weight, there were two other outliers in birth weight values, these were non justifiable i.e. birth weight of 20g and 1265g.We did informations cleansing by canceling these three values. Mean birth weight was 3390 gms runing from 2300g to 4520g with standard divergence of 487.37.Womens age scope was from 19years to 43 old ages with average age of 31 old ages. Gestational age among participants ranged from 24weeks to 43 hebdomads with mean of 39 and standard divergence of 2.80.Out of 149 adult females 23 were tobacco users and 126 did non smoke during gestation. Majority of tobacco users in our survey were multiparous i.e. 73.9 % . Approximately 55 % primiparous adult females and 45 % multiparous adult females did non smoke during g estation. Among the new born babies 76 were males and 73 were females. Birth weight is a dependent variable and it is usually distributed. Parity of female parent is one of the forecasters and is besides usually distributed. Pearson coefficient trial was important ( important 2 tailed P value=0.01 ) demoing significance correlativity between two variables. We used parametric trial i.e. independent T trial and found that average birth weight of new born in primiparous ( n=74 ) was 3288g which was 205g ( 95 % CI-49.4-361.1 ) less than the average birth weight ( 3493 ) of new Borns of multiparous adult females ( n=73 ) .The Levine ‘s Test is non important ( p=0.92 ) , the two discrepancies i.e. primiparity and multiparty are non significantly different and we can presume that the discrepancies are about equal. In our T trial the value of T is 2.63.We have 145 grades of freedom and 2 tailed significance= 0.10 which is more than.005 rejecting our void hypothesis. We checked the relationship between gestational age and birth weight and found this to be linear.We used spearman ‘s trial to see this relationship and found this to be important ( p value 2 tailed =0.01 ) . Birth weight is non dependent on gender of babe ( p value- 0.028 with Mann Whitney trial ) .The interaction between para and smoke to impact the birth weight is non important ( p=0.858, F=0.32 ) and is no more than would be expected by opportunity. Test for difference in average birth weight by gestational age is important ( p=0.00 ) .Test for difference in average birth weight by Body mass index ( p=0.76 ) , smoking ( p=0.89 ) is non important. Dependent variable is birth weight which is usually distributed. This is prospective survey look intoing the association of babies birth weight with para of their female parents. In our survey consequences Infants birth weight ranged from 2300grams to 4520grams. Harmonizing to WHO any infant born with a weight of less than 2500 gms is considered to be of low birth weight.There are many cause of low birth weight in babies including female parents body aggregate index, female parents age, nutritionary and smoke position ( 5 ) .We found that infant born to primiparous female parents weigh less so multiparous adult females. In subsequent gestations birth weight of babies increases our consequences are consist with finings of Macleod S et Al who found that birth weight additions from para 1 to para 3 but they besides found that birth weight dropped markedly in higher para group ( 13 ) ( 10 ) . We did non analyze the birth weight relationship as per figure of para as they did and we felt that this is one of failing of our survey. It is observed that mat ernal age and para of female parent affect birth weight by interfering with intrauterine growing, non by impacting gestational age ( 13 ) . Different theories were proposed in literature to explicate the intrauterine growing deceleration in female parents of different age and para groups. Many research workers reported that immature female parents in their teenage could non run into the demands of their growth fetus because of their ain turning organic structure demands and therefore taking to intrauterine growing deceleration ( 13 ) . Same sort of account can be given for multiparous female parents as nutritionary demands change over clip. There are other physiological factors which could play a portion in birth weight of babies in subsequent gestations like co-existing unwellness in female parents ( 14 ) , pregnancy attention etc and this was non looked in our survey. Appropriate for gestational age is term used for Babies whose weight is appropriate for their gestational age, big for day of the months is the term used for babies heavier than their gestational age, and those smaller than expected are considered little for gestational age. We looked at the relationship of gestational age with infant birth weight. We found that this was important and it was straight relative i.e. with increasing gestational age, birth weight besides increased. This is another country for farther research to see any relationship between para and gestational age of babies. We besides noticed that at both extremes of maternal age i.e. in teenage female parents and in older adult females birth weight of babies tends to be on lower side. In our survey sample minority of adult females continued to smoke during gestation.Because of our little sample size we could non happen any association between smoke and birth weight, nevertheless it is good known fact that smoke is an of import cause of intrauterine growing deceleration and low birth weight of babies. We could non happen any association between gender of new born babies and their birth weight. How to cite Birth Weight And Parity Relationship Health And Social Care Essay, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Contemporary Strategy Culture and Leadership

Question: Discuss about the Contemporary Strategy Culture and Leadership. Answer: Introduction: SIR RICHARD BRANSON is a global entrepreneur who believes in retrieving the best out of his employees. The Virgin Company is characterized as a group of traditional company where two or more individuals in the organization interact with each other in order to carry out common objective. The Virgin Group does not have a structure of an organization. Within the Virgin Group there is both formal and informal structure. The company is having a cross- functional structure. The teams work together to achieve common objectives (Carroll, Levy and Richmond, 2008). The cross functional team works effectively in separate department and work in coordination in order to achieve common goals. As per Branson it is important for an organization to hire efficient workforce so that the goals can be attained. Considering the long term growth in an organization it is essential to drive the workforce by implementing effective plans. They have a problem solving team where the primary motive of an organiza tion is to implement the objectives in an efficient manner (Northouse, 2012). The purpose of the team is to work in a coordinated environment to provide growth to the organization. Finding solution for every problem is the key motive at Virgin Group that helps in achieving realistic goals. The top management team provides direction to the subordinates so that they work more efficiently. The team is coordinated by the top level management and instructions are given by the team so that they can coordinate the functions more efficiently. This is necessary to understand for the teams to manage the functions in coordination with each other. The Virgin Group has both formal and informal structure that helps the organization in coordinating the function more efficiently. The most appropriate functions can only exist if more focus is being delivered in managing the overall group efforts. This is the most common objective of an organization to promote group functions through continuous motiv ation (Schein, 2010). Stages of Development and Task role influence Branson believes in giving freedom to the employees help in increasing the overall yield. He understands that the development in the Virgin Group is only possible if the employees are highly satisfied. It is essential to know the employee on more personal level outside the work. This will help in efficient management of the long term relationship with the employees (Wheatley, 2011). As per George Hormans theory the formal group requires constant interaction that will help in attaining objectives. According to Branson good team work and high level of cooperation must exist in between the teams. This help in promoting the essential values in the teams. As per the theory it is essential for the organization to develop the task role and influence in order to increase the effectiveness. The Whole Virgin Group is divided into the small business where an individual can participate in the activity by managing the different role at work. They have an option to choose the most appropriate job that is suitable for them. The corporate activities occurring at the virgin group helps in attaining the goal of the organization (Aaker and Joachimsthaler, 2012). In long term it has become essential for an organization to understand the ability and experience connected with an activity that help in managing various role attached with an activity. Good team work and high level of cooperation is required in between the captain, co-pilot, navigator and flight attendant. This help in managing the activities more effectively. It is the duty of an organization to develop more efficient role and stages in order to influence the overall output. Employees at the Virgin Group are attracted towards the goals if they get a department of their choice. The attitude of an individual towards an objective is necessary to attain the goal within a group (Kotter, 2008). Characteristics of a group The Group Members at the Virgin Group do have various goals to fulfill their role. There are certain group task roles that help in coordinating the role more appropriately. There are different role within a group that include coordinator, information giver and information seeker. In the company there are various maintenance roles such as standard setter, follower and encourager. The group is working on the ground need to develop series of qualities in order to manage the role. The emergent leaders take these roles upon themselves and work more consistently in order to retrieve benefits (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014). Employees at Virgin group can take self oriented roles that encourage teamwork and engagement with various groups of people. Group size At Virgin group is given special consideration. The ideal recommended group size at virgin Group is five or seven. An odd number in the group size helps in avoiding the deviation (Storey, 2007). A group can attain sustainable growth if it has dynamic leader. The Group norm is the part of the group behavior that helps in attaining sustainable growth. The entrepreneurs are the one who understand that the challenges can only be met if the organization forms objectives that are in coordination with the organizational goals. The cohesiveness of the group plays an important role in managing the functions. The various roles at Virgin group are well-managed in order to attain systematic result. On a long run the company has an objective to attain goals in order to gain consistency. The employees can take in self-oriented goals that will help in managing sustainable objectives. Managing roles and responsibilities is one of the important tasks of a manager in an organization. It is therefore important to form effective policies by giving employees with a liberty to choose the most appropriate function. On a long run it is evident that the company can only give efficient result if managed well (Boxall and Purcell, 2011). Social interaction and support group action Social interaction is important for an organization to attain distinguished objectives. Large sized business organization is looking for gaining efficient results by emphasizing upon the social Interaction. The Virgin group gives importance to social interaction within the organization. It is necessary for a business organization to interact with the employees in order to attain efficient results. The employees should be given a platform to interact with the other employees. This help in giving them with an opportunity to grow in an effective manner. The Virgin group focuses on inter-group activities that will help in attaining organizational objectives. Group cohesiveness is necessary and plays a vital role in managing the activities. In order to attain high level of goals, each member should have similar objectives (Grant, 2016). The members in an organization can only attain the objectives if they have similar objectives. Performance is important for an organization In order to av ail desired results. For example the employees at the Virgin group are given liberty to take decision. According to Branson it is important for an organization to let the employees interact with each other. The Social Exchange theory therefore promotes the interaction in between the formal group. The group activity in an organization plays an important role in understanding the values. Good teamwork is only possible if the employees are given an opportunity to openly interact with each other. It is essential for the teams to manage effective team work that help in managing the activities in an organization. This is necessary to understand for the teams to manage the functions in coordination with each other. It is therefore necessary for the organization to develop activities that help in growing more efficiently (Boselie, 2010). References Aaker, D.A. and Joachimsthaler, E., 2012.Brand leadership. Simon and Schuster. Armstrong, M. and Taylor, S., 2014.Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers. Boselie, P., 2010.Strategic human resource management: A balanced approach. Tata McGraw-Hill Education. Boxall, P. and Purcell, J., 2011.Strategy and human resource management. Palgrave Macmillan. Carroll, B., Levy, L. and Richmond, D., 2008. Leadership as practice: Challenging the competency paradigm.Leadership,4(4), pp.363-379. Grant, R.M., 2016.Contemporary strategy analysis: Text and cases edition. John Wiley Sons. Kotter, J.P., 2008.Force for change: How leadership differs from management. Simon and Schuster. Northouse, P.G., 2012.Leadership: Theory and practice. Sage. Schein, E.H., 2010.Organizational culture and leadership(Vol. 2). John Wiley Sons. Storey, J., 2007.Human resource management: A critical text. Cengage Learning EMEA. Wheatley, M., 2011.Leadership and the new science: Discovering order in a chaotic world. ReadHowYouWant. com.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Republican Party Overall Issues, 1860

The Republican Party: Overall Issues, 1860-1868 Essay The Republican party during the 1860s was known as the party moreconcerned with civil rights and the common American. This came about througha series of sweeping changes in the party that occurred during two major timeperiods: the 1860-1864 and 1864-1868. The changes in the party reflected theattitude in the North as opposed to the confederate, democratic South. The mainissue that divided the two was slavery and its implications for control of thenation. The best illustration of the partys anti-slavery sentiment (ascontrasted to abolitionism) in 1860, is the fact that although the party wasagainst slavery , it refused to attempt to stamp it out of the regions it wasalready present. For example, in the Republican Party Platform for 1860, theparty states its abhorrence for slavery and declares that slavery should not beinstituted into new territories, but it never tries to outlaw it from Southernstates. That the normal conditions of all the territory of the United States isthat of freedomand we deny the authority of Congress, of a territoriallegislature or of any individuals, to give existence to Slavery in any Territoryof the United States.In the first four years of the 1860s, the North and South waged warover these issues, with the Republican North emerging victorious. TheRepublicans took charge of the national political power. Although he workedwith an anti-slavery platform, President Lincoln attempted to make a generouspeace with the South, with hopes of expanding the power of the Republican partywith support from the South. Examples of this can be found in the fact thatConfederate officials were not barred from public office, compensation for lostslaves was not ruled out and Lincoln hinted that he would be generous withpardons to rebel leaders. With the Emancipation Proclamation, the Republicansgained freedom for slaves, but not social or political equality. We will write a custom essay on The Republican Party: Overall Issues, 1860-1868 specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now During the years of 1864-1868, the Republican platform again changedwith the public opinion in the North to one of abolition. In the platform forthe National Union Convention, the party affirmed its support for an Amendmentto terminate and forever prohibit the existence of slavery within the limits orjurisdiction of the United States. The 13th Amendment confirmed the death ofslavery. However, the so-called Black Codes that Southern governmentsimplemented forced abolitionist Republicans in Congress to clash with PresidentAndrew Johnson over the passage of a new Freedmens Bureau bill and a CivilRights Act. This clash signified a division between the old Republican valuesof tolerance and the new platform of slave rights. This led to the passage ofthe 14th amendment, which declared all slaves as citizens and defined theirvoting privileges as equal to every other citizen. The radical republicans hadachieved their goal. With freedmen able to vote, the Republic party would beable to carry m ore of the Southern states in elections and maintain control. Near the end of the Reconstruction Era, the Republican party underwenteven more changes. With the slavery issue settled in their eyes, scandals inthe party, and the threat of violence from various hate groups keeping freedmenfrom voting, its attentions began to turn elsewhere. The metamorphosis that theparty underwent through the 1860s was a direct result of the popular opinion inthe North at the time. As the detestment of slavery grew in the North, so didthe Republican legislation grow more severe against it, starting with the partyplatforms and ending with the ratification of the 14th Amendment. Category: History

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Free Essays on History Of Music

History Of Music Music has been around sense the dawn of time. When man first started to discover music it was not the kind of music we have today. All it consisted of was grunts, moans, and banging things. Music has evolved just as much as the people that created it. From Chromagnum men to musician and from grunting too classical music, rock, and rap. The first people imitated music from nature. They mimicked the sound from their every day life. It had no rhythm, beat, or tune it was just noise, but later turned into what we now call music. Ancient people used music for much more than entertainment they used it in every day life. They would yell and scream during battle, blow a horn as a warning, have ceremonies to honor the dead or bring the rain, signal danger, to show your importance in society, it was also used as a healing power. On the front lines of battle would be a soldier that would be holding a drum or a flute. When this was a common act the instruments would be spread around to different cultures after a battle. This brought on a new way of looking at music. Around the 16th century people started to collect instead of play music. A persons hands and feet were the first of all the instruments and is still the most common, because every one has them. A persons hands and feet were readily available, and easy to use. The drum is the second most common percussion instrument. Like most of the other instruments the drum was found by accident when someone hit a hallow log with a stick. The hallowed out stumps then became drums that were decorated. Drums were used for war or for signaling over long distances. The drum was a common instrument because it was so easy to use; all they had to do was strike it. The second percussion instrument was the rattle. The rattle was found later in the time when humans started to grow plants. It was found accidentally when someone picked up a dried out gourd of some sort... Free Essays on History Of Music Free Essays on History Of Music History Of Music Music has been around sense the dawn of time. When man first started to discover music it was not the kind of music we have today. All it consisted of was grunts, moans, and banging things. Music has evolved just as much as the people that created it. From Chromagnum men to musician and from grunting too classical music, rock, and rap. The first people imitated music from nature. They mimicked the sound from their every day life. It had no rhythm, beat, or tune it was just noise, but later turned into what we now call music. Ancient people used music for much more than entertainment they used it in every day life. They would yell and scream during battle, blow a horn as a warning, have ceremonies to honor the dead or bring the rain, signal danger, to show your importance in society, it was also used as a healing power. On the front lines of battle would be a soldier that would be holding a drum or a flute. When this was a common act the instruments would be spread around to different cultures after a battle. This brought on a new way of looking at music. Around the 16th century people started to collect instead of play music. A persons hands and feet were the first of all the instruments and is still the most common, because every one has them. A persons hands and feet were readily available, and easy to use. The drum is the second most common percussion instrument. Like most of the other instruments the drum was found by accident when someone hit a hallow log with a stick. The hallowed out stumps then became drums that were decorated. Drums were used for war or for signaling over long distances. The drum was a common instrument because it was so easy to use; all they had to do was strike it. The second percussion instrument was the rattle. The rattle was found later in the time when humans started to grow plants. It was found accidentally when someone picked up a dried out gourd of some sort...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Benjamin Harrison Biography - 23rd President of the U.S. Biography

Benjamin Harrison Biography - 23rd President of the U.S. Biography Benjamin Harrison was born on August 20, 1833 in North Bend, Ohio. He grew up on a 600-acre farm given to his father by his grandfather, William Henry Harrison who would become the ninth president. Harrison had tutors at home and then attended a small local school. He attended Farmers College and then Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. He graduated in 1852, studied law, and then was admitted to the bar in 1854. Family Ties Harrisons father,  John Scott Harrison, was a member of the U.S. House of Representatives. He was the son of one president and the father of another. Harrisons mother was  Elizabeth Irwin Harrison. She died when her son was almost 17. He also had two  half sisters, three full brothers, and two full sisters. Harrison was married twice. He married his first wife Caroline Lavinia Scott  on  October 20, 1853. Together they had one son and one daughter along with a stillborn daughter. Sadly, she passed away in  1892. He then married Mary Scott Lord Dimmick on  April 6, 1896  when he was 62 and she was 37. Together they had one daughter named Elizabeth.   Benjamin Harrisons Career Before the Presidency Benjamin Harrison entered into law practice and became active in the Republican party. He joined the military in 1862 to fight in the Civil War. During his service he marched on Atlanta with General Sherman and was promoted to Brigadier General. He left military service at the end of the war and resumed his law practice. In 1881, Harrison was elected to the U.S. Senate and served until 1887. Becoming the President In 1888, Benjamin Harrison received the Republican nomination for president. His running mate was Levi Morton. His opponent was incumbent President Grover Cleveland. It was a close campaign in which Cleveland won the popular vote but failed to carry his home state of New York and lost in the Electoral College. Events and Accomplishments of Benjamin Harrisons Presidency Benjamin Harrison  had the distinction of serving in between the two presidential terms of Grover Cleveland. In 1890, he signed into law the Dependent and Disability Pensions Act which provided money for veterans and their dependents if they were disabled from nonmilitary causes. An important bill passed during 1890 was the  Sherman Anti-Trust Act. This was the first antitrust law to try and stop the abuse of monopolies and trusts. While the law itself was vague, it was important as a first step towards making sure that trade was not limited by the existence of monopolies. The Sherman Silver Purchase Act was passed in 1890. This required the federal government to purchase silver for silver certificates. These could then be turned back in for silver or gold. This would be repealed by Grover Cleveland because it was causing the nations gold reserves to be depleted as people turned in their silver certificates for gold. In 1890, Benjamin Harrison sponsored a tariff that required those wishing to import products to pay a 48% tax. This resulted in a rise of consumer prices. This was not a popular tariff. Post-Presidential Period Benjamin Harrison retired to Indianapolis after his term as president. He returned to practicing law and inn 1896, he remarried Mary Scott Lord Dimmick. She had been the assistant to his wife while she was the First Lady. Benjamin Harrison died on March 13, 1901 of pneumonia. Historical Significance of Benjamin Harrison Benjamin Harrison was president when the reforms were beginning to become popular. During his time in office, the Sherman Anti-Trust Act was passed. Even though it was of itself not that enforceable, it was an important first step towards reigning in monopolies who were taking advantage of the public.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Hydropower Resource Analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Hydropower Resource Analysis - Assignment Example This paper also reviews in depth about the hydroelectric scheme and discusses the methods of determining its sustainability by way of presenting methods of selecting appropriate turbines in relation to the head and flow of water source. It uses tables of generation tariffs in U.K. and shows how and what revenue is achievable with possible periods of payback of huge initial investment needed for the project. The power of water is dependent upon its pressure which is built by the height of water source. The pressure is found at the point from where water is released. The vertical distance between the water releasing point and water source such as reservoir, tank, etc. determines the water pressure. It is this elevation which is known as â€Å"Head† and measured in meters as a vertical distance. Water ‘Flow’ is the amount of water quantity or ‘volume’ in a given time. It is therefore measured as cubic meter per second (m3/s) representing volume of water and time in which it flows. The density of water and earth gravity also affects the flow of water. The density of water is commonly taken as 1000 kg/m3 and earth gravitational force is a constant having value of 9.81 m/ s3 (ESHA 2004) Pipelines are most commonly used for moving water from higher source point to a lower release point. There are many barriers in the way of water travel that reduces water distance. This includes size and shape of pipelines, friction of water with pipe material, the joints, design flow and the sides. All of these and many other factors create loss and therefore Head is always taken as net; the vertical distance is subtracted with expected loss in transit and Net Head is derived. All calculations in this paper are based on net head. The word Hydropower refers to the force of water. It is also referred mostly as hydraulic power. Generation of electricity from hydropower or hydraulic power is referred as Hydroelectric or hydraulic electricity. Figure 1 illustrates

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The influence of German Philosophy and English Political Economy in Essay

The influence of German Philosophy and English Political Economy in Marx's Economic and Philosphical Manuscripts (1844) - Essay Example His major contribution in the field of philosophy was based on the integration and unity of mind/spirit among phenomenon which were manifested in a set of contradictions without elimination of the other. For example, bondage and freedom were not directly related in perception and application but they were philosophically integrated and united in the process of development (Spirkin, 1983). The Marxian dialectical materialism approach had been influenced by Hegel’s work in that economic history was understood by viewing human societies as components of a hierarchy of systems processing energy and continuously evolving. This was according to the laws of nature and encompassed multifarious forms of being that existed objectively and independently (Zarembka and Desai, 2011). Karl Marx in his view believed that dialects should not deal on the mental ideas of the world but on material world such as prospects of economic history that was based on production and other economic activiti es. This would necessitate empirical understanding of social processes in the form of interrelations, development and transformations; with successful generations transforming the results of the generations that preceded them (Zarembka and Desai, 2011), and thus divine presence and contradiction between immanence and transcendence. Ludwig Feuerbach was a German philosopher and anthropologist who provided a critique of Christianity and his thoughts were usually viewed as a bridge between Hegel and Karl Marx. By defining the â€Å"false† or theological essence of religion which regarded God as having a separate existence over and against humankind and the belief in sacraments as the â€Å"last supper† symbolizing the religious piece of materialism and thus injuring moral sense and the sense of truth (Feuerbach, 1972). When applying the dialectical methods of analyzing the economic history, economic, socio-cultural or political phenomenon; they should not be viewed separa tely but on their inner connections as an integrated totality and structured around the basic predominant mode of production (Feuerbach, 1972). According to Marx, economic history can be analyzed by understanding the organization of people and their technological powers. For instance, how they model them to interact with their material surroundings, giving the historical structure and development process of modern day capitalistic economies. With this, Marx views society in form of money and alienated man such that in the modern capitalistic societies man is evaluated in terms of their materialistic creditability; influencing their economic judgment of his morality and creating gaps between capitalists and laborers, a correlation of Friedrich’s integration and unity of opposing phenomenon and view on power and submission (Marx and Engels, 2009). Marxian economics evaluates various crunches in capitalism and focuses on the dissemination of resources in terms of surplus product and value generated within the production process among various types of economic systems. The investigation of the nature and origin of economic value, the economic evolution and the analysis of impacts of class and struggles of these classes along the economic and political processes, gives the approach a viable analytical framework an alternative approach to neoclassical economics thus making it unique. As a

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Blue Jeans - American Cultural Artifact Essay Example for Free

Blue Jeans American Cultural Artifact Essay Blue jeans in the last thirty years have attained such world wide popularity that they have come to be considered an American icon. However jeans have not always been held in high stead, but rather have had a troubled history including its beginnings within the working class movement, being considered unsavory by religious leaders and also seen as a rebellious statement about ‘western decadence’. According to the University of Toronto, no other garment has served as an example of status ambivalence and ambiguity than blue jeans in the history of fashion. Throughout this essay I will discuss how jeans have become such a common treasured and even expensive item crossing over class, gender, age, regional, and national lines as reflected by the many changing political views and acceptance from various social classes over the past 50 years. History of Blue Jeans According to the University of Toronto, blue jeans were originally created for the California coal miners in the mid-nineteenth century by the Morris Levi Strauss, a Bavarian immigrant who relocated to New York in 1847. Mr Strauss’ fate and the history of clothing changed forever when in 1872 he received an offer from Jacob Davis, a tailor from Reno Nevada. Mr. Davis, in order to improve the durability of the pants that he made for his clients, had been adding metal rivets to the highly stressed seams. The idea was successful and he wished to patent it, but due to financial constraints required a partner and hence Levi became the financial backer and partner. In 1873, the new partners received a patent for â€Å"an improvement in Fastening Pocket-Openings†, and thus the history of blue jeans as we know them began. Blue jeans were originally called â€Å"waist overalls† by Levi Strauss and Co and in the 1920’s these were the most widely used worker’s pants in America. The name of these trousers changed to â€Å"jeans† in the 1960’s when Levi Strauss and Co. recognized that this was what the product was being called by the young, hip teenage boys. The history of waist overalls continues as the history of blue jeans. Jeans is now generally understood to refer to pants made out of a specific type of fabric called denim (Fashion Encyclopedia). Blue Jeans through the decades The popularity of blue jeans spread among working people, such as farmers and the ranchers of the American West. According to the Encyclopedia of Fashion, in the 1930’s jeans became so popular among cowboys that Wrangler formed just to make denim work clothing for those who rode the range. Jeans have tended to follow along in popularity with popular culture as evident with the popular Western films which found adventure and romance in the adventures of the cowboys who rode horses, shot bad guys, and wore blue jeans. Those who wished to imitate the casual, rugged look of the cowboys they saw in films began to wear jeans as casual wear (Fashion Encyclopedia). This effect is not hard to understand, as even today fashion trends are greatly influenced by what highly publicized celebrities choose to wear. During World War II blue jeans became part of the official uniform of the Navy and Coast Guard, and became even more popular when worn as off-duty leisure clothing by many other soldiers. In his book, â€Å"Jeans: A Cultural History of an American Icon†, James Sullivan states that the rise of the popularity of jeans after the WWII can greatly be attributed to the influence of the film and music industry, during the 1950s many young people began to wear jeans when they saw them on rebellious young American film stars such as Marlon Brando and James Dean. By 1950, Levi’s began selling nationally and other brands started emerging, such as Lee Coopers and each with its own particular fit (Sullivan 287). According to the University of Toronto, in the 1960’s and 1970’s jeans were embraced by the nonconformist hippie youth movement, and the history of blue jeans even gets linked to the downfall of communism. Behind the iron curtain, jeans became a symbol of â€Å"western decadence† and individuality and as such were highly sought. Jeans had become extremely popular, but were still mainly worn by working people or the young. In the 1980’s through to the 1990’s jeans were no longer seen as rebellious or a source of individuality, but they were transformed as the term ‘designer jeans’ was discovered. Many designers such as Jordache and Calvin Klein came on board to create expensive jeans and some jeans even reached haute couture status (Fashion Encyclopedia). In the new millennium denim is seen on designer catwalks and there are now hundreds of styles, types and labels available and of various price ranges. Changing Popularity According to Peter Beagle in his book â€Å"American Denim: A New Folk Art†, the popularity of jeans can be attributed to the fact that jeans can be seen to embrace the American democratic values of independence, freedom and equality. Some Americans even consider jeans to be the national uniform. Blue jeans have evolved from a garment associated exclusively with hard work to one associated with leisure. What began as work clothes has transformed into one of the hottest items available on the consumer market today. What was once apparel associated with low culture has undergone a reversal in status. Blue jeans were the first to accomplish a rather revolutionary cultural achievement bringing upper class status to a lower class garment. Conclusion At one point or another throughout history, blue jeans have been the uniform of many groups and are considered the one garment of clothing that has remained hip for over a century and has survived everything from World War II to the eighties. For half a century blue jeans have helped define every youth movement, and every effort of older generations to deny the passing of youth. Fifty years ago America invented the concept of teenager, and it is probably no coincidence that the enduring character of blue jeans, claiming independence and the right to self-expression, can be traced to the same time. Jeans were once seen as clothing for minority groups such as workers, hippies or rebellious youth, but are now embraced by the dominant American culture as a whole.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Investigate the Effect of Varying Solution Concentration on Osmosis in

Investigate the Effect of Varying Solution Concentration on Osmosis in a Potato Chip Prediction A definition of osmosis is: 'the movement of water molecules from an area of high water concentration to a low water concentration across a semi-permeable membrane' (Oxforddictionary 2000). In a high concentration of water the amount of solute (e.g. sugar) is low. These solutions are usually known as a dilute or weak solution. But in a low concentration of water the amount of solute (e.g. sugar) is high. These solutions are usually known as concentrated or strong solutions. When a weak solution and a strong solution are separated by a partially permeable membrane, the water will move from the area of high concentration to the area of low until both sides are equal. This is osmosis, and is shown in the diagram below. Examples of osmosis can also be seen in living cells. Root hairs on plants take in water from the soil via osmosis. Water continuously moves along the cells of the root and up the xylem to the leaf. Water is moving to areas of lower water concentration all the time. This is shown in the diagram below. Example of Osmosis in a Root Hair Cell When a cell is placed in distilled water which is high water concentration water will move across the semi- permeable membrane into the cell which has lower water concentration by osmosis, making the cell swell in size. The cell is now known as turgid. If a potato cell was placed in the same circumstances the cells would increase in length, volume and mass because of the osmotic effects. If the same potato cells were placed in a solution with a low water concentration, then the effects would be the opposite - water would move out of the cell into the area of lower concentration, the water. Thus, the potato chip will decrease in length, volume and mass. In more extreme cases, the cell membrane would break away from the cell wall and the cell is then known as plasmolysed. The higher the concentration of water in the external solution, the higher the amount of water that enters the cell by osmosis. The smaller the concentration of water in the external solution, the higher the amount of water that leaves the cell. However, there will be a point where the concentrations of water inside and outside the cells are equal. This is known as the isotonic point, and at this point there will be no change in the length, vo... ...nger, this would have enabled me to find the saturation point (when the potato can no longer take in any more water) and dehydration point (when the potato cannot lose any more water)and therefore get a more accurate result. Finally, I could extend the experiment to a more exact level by looking at the potato cylinders under a microscope, and then I would be able to see the cells in greater detail and draw some more observational results. Further investigations that I could carry out in the future are, using a different variety of potato, for example, a 'king Edward' rather than a 'maris piper'. Also I could use a different plant tissue, for example, a carrot or an apple. Then I could find out whether osmosis occurs with the same patterns and trends with any vegetable. Conclusion However despite this, I think that the experiment I carried out, (given the apparatus I was given to carry out the test) was successful, my results were consistent, and I was pleased with the comparison of my results with my previous prediction. I followed the method plan correctly; I believe I gained accurate and sufficient enough results to conclude the experiment, and to prove my initial prediction.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Internship Proposal

Topic: Several Suggestions to Develop a Custom Training Plan for Department of Forest Protection of Hanoi Statement of the Problem Organizations are formed with their employees/staffs or their Human Resource. The basic objective of a group is using its HR effectively to reach its target. One of the most important areas of Human Resource Management is training. The way that the enterprise builds and applies the training and developing program would affect not only the current productivity but also the development in the future of the company.Despite the role of training staffs, this work has not been paid much attention. Even though the staff training plans of Hanoi Forest Protection Department have worked effectively, there are some weaknesses that need to be improved. This study targets in defining and suggesting solutions for those. Purpose and Scope of work The purpose of this study is to determine the current problem in training programs in Hanoi Forest Protection Department. The study will evaluate the importance of training plans and their impact to organization’s development.Besides, basing on the collected data and information, some suggestions would be proposed to improve the Group’s current issues. Source and methods of data collection 1. Collecting Data Primary Data: – Send and collect the printed sheets that have about 10 questions around the current training programs of the organization. * Interview a staff of Human Resource Department of the organization Secondary Data: Search and get information from textbooks, Internet, old reports and other channels. . Research Methods: There are numerous ways to get information. In my report, the research methods used are: literature searches, talking with people and personal interviews Literature search  involves reviewing all readily available materials such as internal company information, annual training reports, annual training plan, company literature and any other supplied materia ls. Besides, I also used website searching and library literature search to gather information.Talking with people is another way to get information. I had conversations with graduated students and friends, who have experience in interning in state enterprises or do research about development and training program. They all feel free to share their experience and the important issues. That helps me a lot to finish this report. According to an expert, personal interviews involving one person interviewing another person for personal or detailed information are a way to get in-depth and comprehensive information.That is the reason for why an interview with a Human Resources staff of the organization was arranged. The interviewer was asked questions from a written questionnaire and the answers were recorded verbatim. Research Questions: 1. What is the major Human Resource Training program in Department of Forest Protection of Hanoi and how were they implemented? 2. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the current training program? 3. How could those programs be improved? ( give suggestions) Preliminary Outline 1.Acknowledge 2. Executive summary 3. Introduction a. Topic: â€Å"Some suggestions to improve the Human Resource Training Program in Hanoi Forest Protection Department† b. Rationales c. Research questions d. Scope e. Methodology 4. Body Chapter 1: Introduction of the Organization * Establishment and Development * Business Areas * Organizational Structure * Current Problem in Human Resources Training Program of the Organization Chapter 2: Theoretical framework 1. Human Resource Management and Human Resource Training 2.The role of Human Resource Training in Organizations 3. Issues in Training Plan * Training demand/ objective/ selection * Building training plan * Training methods * Fee * After training evaluation 4. Factors affect training program and its result 5. Requirement of Group’s Training Improvement Chapter 3: Findings and Analysis * Current situation of Training Program in Hanoi Forest Protection Department * Training Process in Hanoi Forest Protection Department Chapter 4: Recommendation 6. Conclusion 7. Appendixes 8. References

Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Detailed Examination of the Arabs in Israel

While the nation is aware of the indignities that were forced upon the African Americans who resided in this country at the beginning of the 18th century, few people realize that similar discrimination practices are going on all over the world. One of the most prevelant examples of discrimination currently is happening in Israel against the Arabs. Arabs are being discriminated in ways that impact their ability to live a life of freedom and comfort. The plight of Arabs in Israel is very similar to what the African Americans experienced in America during the first years of the 20th century. â€Å"Few questions challenge us to consider 380 years of history all at once, to tunnel inside our souls to discover what we truly believe about race and equality and the value of human suffering. Kevin Merida (1) (on African American reparations).† During the early part of the 20th century African Americans suffered a great deal of discrimination in America. They were refused even the most basic freedoms that the constitution of the United States is supposed to provide. The right to vote, the rifht to live freely, the right against unreasonable search and seizure are all elements of life that many people in this nation take for granted. However, for African Americans of that time those were dreams that were not often realized. Today, African Americans have many recourses if their rights are not being followed, including civil or criminal proceedings as well as government intervention. It is not completely rectified but it is being worked toward. The Arabs in Israel do not have such protection currently. They are at the point in history that African Americans were during the early part of the 20th century. Housing, employment and basic living right elements are being denied to them based on the fact that they are Arabs. Arabs in Israel have been complaining about their treatment for quite awhile but many of their concerns fall on deaf ears(Winder, 2006). The Israeli government and many of the nation's citizens insist that the discrimination allegations are false and misleading. For one to fully realize and accept that the Arabs are indeed being discriminated against one only has to hold various tangible situations that they encounter against the situations that were encountered by African Americans during the first part of the 20th century. The United Nations believes that the Arabs are indeed being discriminated against and said as much in a recently published report that was released last year. It says: â€Å"The government did little to reduce institutional, legal, and societal discrimination against the country's Arab citizens(Cook, 2004).† The humiliating treatment of the Arabs is one issue that the United Nations believes proves the discrimination that the Israel government currently denies exists. â€Å"Among many issues, it notes the humiliating treatment of Palestinian citizens, including community leaders, during security checks at airports and checkpoints(Cook, 2004). † During the 20th century in America, African Americans were forced to live in substandard housing and work in substandard employment environments. The quantity of available buildings for Arabs to reside in are not enough in numbers for the need. While most people in America will agree that the Arabs should not be confined to certain buildings the fact is they are often confined by societal attitudes and the available buildings are too few in number and have been for a significant amount of time. The quality of the buildings that are available are also in question. The repairs do not occur in the manner and speed that they do in other areas of the nation. The buildings that are made available to the Arabs are often in such disrepair that they are uninhabitable. African Americans when through similar problems in the early years of the 20th century. They were relegated to â€Å"Colored' area when it came to buildings that they could rent and own. The buildings were in disrepair and when they asked the landlord to repair them they were ignored or forced to pay for repairs that were legally the responsibility of the landlord. The term slum lord was originated because of the treatment of landlords regarding minority tenants and the fact that those landlords allowed their buildings to become uninhabitable yet they would allow minority tenants to live there and collect their rent each month. Another area of life that is similar for the Arabs in Israel today, that the African Americans faced in America and often times still do face is the area of education. During the early years of the 20th century students who were black were forced to attend specific schools. They were given substandard supplies and resources and they were given old used textbooks and equipment that most often did not work. Arabs today are facing the same dilemma when it comes to the education of their students(Cook, 2004). This greatly reduces the ability to teach advanced course and help Arab students better the future for themselves and their children. â€Å"Israel has also sought to undermine the value of Arabic, even though it is an official language of the state. Few Jews learn even basic Arabic, whereas Arab children are required to learn Hebrew to advanced level(Cook, 2004).† While the African Americans did not have this problem in the 20th century they were forbidden at times from singing the songs that had been popular in their homeland. Whether it was a hymn or a song of life they were whipped or punished for singing them out loud. â€Å"University courses are in Hebrew or English, as are public meetings and court cases. Many Arab workers report being sacked for speaking Arabic at the workplace(Cook, 2004).† This is blatant discrimination. It is similar to the African American ban on homeland songs and stories as well as the making it illegal to teach African Americans to read and right because the Americans wanted them to remain illiterate. Without saying so the Israel government seems to have the same goal in mind by its refusal to provide current and equal schools, supplies and textbooks for the Arab students living within its boundaries(First, Israel inside the Green Line (the de facto border after the 1967 war) http://www.mideastweb.org/israel_apartheid.htm). â€Å"Much international attention has focused on the recent decision by the Knesset to ban family unification in the case of marriages between Israeli Arabs and Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza. In many cases, it is now impossible for couples to live together: under the new law, Palestinians are denied entry into Israel, while Israeli Arabs are banned by military orders from entering Palestinian areas(Cook, 2004).† In addition to the obvious discriminations that are being experienced by Arabs in Israel there are many instances in which they are being discriminated against that are not so obvious to the eye unless one looks very closely. One such area is the area of employment. Arabs are being discriminated against on a regular basis when it comes to employment. Research concluded that Arabs have an unemployment rate that is twice as high as the Jewish unemployment rate for the same regions. â€Å"The country's big monopoly corporations such as the telecoms firm Bezeq and the Israel Electricity Company have Arab employees in the single figures even though they have a combined staff of more than 20,000. Some of the worst discrimination is faced by the 140,000 beduin living in the Negev. Many of their communities have never been recognised by Israel, even though they predate the state(Cook, 2004). † The end result of this type of discrimination is that approximately 70,000 Arabs are forced to live in tin shacks and tents. They have no power, water or sewage service. Their children are traveling 40-60 miles each way to go to school and get back home. Removal of child benefits for Arabs have been top of the political agenda ever since. â€Å"Some discriminatory practices against Israeli Arabs – Systematic bias in education provision (HRW report) – Israel's worst 36 unemployment blackspots are all in Arab areas† The plight of the Arabs in Israel is extremely similar today to what the African Americans faced in the United States during the early part of the 20th century. Employment discrimination, housing issues and lack of education for their children were accepted practices at that time. Today, the same problems and practices are being thrust upon the Arabs who reside in Israel. For this to change the government and the world will need to step in and force change.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

In What Ways Have ASDA Maintained Competitive Advantage Essay Example

In What Ways Have ASDA Maintained Competitive Advantage Essay Example In What Ways Have ASDA Maintained Competitive Advantage Paper In What Ways Have ASDA Maintained Competitive Advantage Paper The supermarket industry is fiercely competitive and is currently dominated by the Big Three companies: Sainsburys, Tesco and ASDA. To ensure that they remain in these three, it is important that each company gains and maintains their own competitive advantage. So, in what ways does ASDA do this? The three main factors that help ASDA maintain a competitive advantage are: * Reputation * Advertising * Market Research ASDA is well known for being the friendliest and cheapest supermarket. Customers can expect the legendary service with personality from all employees and the products they want at the lowest prices. This reputation is invaluable as it is the main reason why people shop and continue to shop at ASDA. To maintain this competitive advantage, ASDA make sure that their staff are as helpful as possible and regularly check to ensure that they are. All members of staff also wear Happy To Help badges to make them more approachable. ASDA try to emphasise this as much as possible, even one of their popular slogans is, Always Happy To Help. To ensure that they also have the lowest prices possible, ASDA hire employees to price check at rival supermarket chains. This has proven to be effective as they have been awarded the title of Britains Best Value Supermarket for the fifth consecutive year. Since 1999, ASDA have cut their prices by around i 0. 5 billion. Customers obviously recognise and value this as they continue to shop at ASDA. ASDA utilise advertising as an extremely powerful tool to attract customers. ASDA air more television commercials during daytime than any of their main competitors. They use this to make existing and potential customers aware of their latest deals and of course, that they are, always happy to help. These advertisements not only interest customers with their products but also make familiarise them with the name and associate ASDA with friendliness and great value. This association will make people who tend to shop at different supermarkets want to shop at ASDA if they feel that they offer a better service and are better value. Market research is also vitally important to maintain their competitive advantage. Market Research ensures that ASDA provide everything that their customer needs and also finds new products that customers would be interested in. To make this competitive advantage as long-lasting as possible, ASDA frequently research into customer care, consumer issues and product development, as well as ongoing advertising campaigns and price comparison. This helps ASDA keep ahead of the game and offer goods and services that their main competitors do not yet offer. Customers are also welcome to submit their feedback to ASDA through questionnaires available on their exit. These questionnaires help ASDA to find out the needs of their customers by interacting directly with them. Although these are the three main factors that help ASDA maintain a competitive advantage, others are just as important. These include the use of the Internet and innovation. ASDAs Internet shopping system has proven to be extremely popular. It is also a very cost-efficient way of advertising, which ASDA use to their full advantage. Internet shopping is becoming increasingly popular as it allows customers to shop from their own home instead of having to make the journey to the supermarket. Many customers prefer this because it allows them more free time, something that many people do not have much of in a busy, modern life. ASDA recognised this very early on and was one of the first UK Supermarkets to try out this system. Advertising on the Internet allows ASDA to target potential customers by advertising on a website that potential customers would be interested in. ASDA hire a group of people to constantly think up new ideas to stay ahead of the game and encourage staff and customers alike to make any suggestion that they want. ASDAs constant innovation has allowed customers a wider range of products available in ASDA. New specialised counters are constantly being added to help customers find what they want more easily and to ensure that the food is of high standard. These include specialisation in pizza, chicken, and fresh salads and fruits. Specialisation allows ASDA to assign employees to make a certain type of food. By just concentrating on this food, this ensures that it is of high quality and the employee will be as helpful as possible because they will know a lot about it. Conclusion ASDA rely on competitive advantage to keep their existing customers and to encourage other people to shop there. ASDA have many ways to ensure that they maintain this advantage. These include market research, advertising, the Internet, innovation and most importantly, their reputation. All of these factors guarantee that ASDA is more attractive to shoppers than their main competitors and make people want to shop there. ASDA take competitive advantage very seriously and this has caused them to win numerous awards including, Britains best value supermarket and also become the most popular supermarket in the UK.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Spooky Scenes from Classic Literature

Spooky Scenes from Classic Literature If you need inspiration for this years Halloween reading selections, look no further than these eerie teases from classic literature.   â€Å"A Rose for Emily† (1930) by William Faulkner â€Å"Already we knew that there was one room in that region above stairs which no one had seen in forty years, and which would have to be forced. They waited until Miss Emily was decently in the ground before they opened it. The violence of breaking down the door seemed to fill this room with pervading dust. A thin, acrid pall as of the tomb seemed to lie everywhere upon this room decked and furnished as for a bridal: upon the valance curtains of faded rose color, upon the rose-shaded lights, upon the dressing table, upon the delicate array of crystal and the mans toilet things backed with tarnished silver, silver so tarnished that the monogram was obscured. Among them lay a collar and tie, as if they had just been removed, which, lifted, left upon the surface a pale crescent in the dust. Upon a chair hung the suit, carefully folded; beneath it the two mute shoes and the discarded socks.† â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart† (1843) by Edgar Allan Poe â€Å"It is impossible to say how first the idea entered my brain; but once conceived, it haunted me day and night. Object there was none. Passion there was none. I loved the old man. He had never wronged me. He had never given me insult. For his gold I had no desire. I think it was his eye! yes, it was this! He had the eye of a vulture a pale blue eye, with a film over it. Whenever it fell upon me, my blood ran cold; and so by degrees very gradually I made up my mind to take the life of the old man, and thus rid myself of the eye forever.† The Haunting of Hill House (1959) by Shirley Jackson â€Å"No live organism can continue for long to exist sanely under conditions of absolute reality; even larks and katydids are supposed, by some, to dream. Hill House, not sane, stood by itself against its hills, holding darkness within; it had stood so for eighty years and might stand for eighty more. Within, walls continued upright, bricks met neatly, floors were firm, and doors were sensibly shut; silence lay steadily against the wood and stone of Hill House, and whatever walked there, walked alone.† The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (1820) by Washington Irving On mounting a rising ground, which brought the figure of his fellow-traveller in relief against the sky, gigantic in height, and muffled in a cloak, Ichabod was horror-struck on perceiving that he was headless!but his horror was still more increased on observing that the head, which should have rested on his shoulders, was carried before him on the pommel of his saddle! (1898) by Henry James â€Å"It was as if, while I took in – what I did take in – all the rest of the scene had been stricken with death. I can hear again, as I write, the intense hush in which the sounds of evening dropped. The rooks stopped cawing in the golden sky, and the friendly hour lost, for the minute, all its voice. But there was no other change in nature, unless indeed it were a change that I saw with a stranger sharpness. The gold was still in the sky, the clearness in the air, and the man who looked at me over the battlements was as definite as a picture in a frame. Thats how I thought, with extraordinary quickness, of each person that he might have been and that he was not. We were confronted across our distance quite long enough for me to ask myself with intensity who then he was and to feel, as an effect of my inability to say, a wonder that in a few instants more became intense.† (1838) by Edgar Allan Poe â€Å"A sullen darkness now hovered above us- but from out the milky depths of the ocean a luminous glare arose, and stole up along the bulwarks of the boat. We were nearly overwhelmed by the white ashy shower which settled upon us and upon the canoe, but melted into the water as it fell. The summit of the cataract was utterly lost in the dimness and the distance. Yet we were evidently approaching it with a hideous velocity. At intervals there were visible in it wide, yawning, but momentary rents, and from out these rents, within which was a chaos of flitting and indistinct images, there came rushing and mighty, but soundless winds, tearing up the enkindled ocean in their course.†

Saturday, November 2, 2019

McDonalds Growth on the European Market Case Study

McDonalds Growth on the European Market - Case Study Example In order for Macdonald to compete in the European market, it should focus on the quality of the products. With the increasing awareness on the risks associated with obesity, customers are avoiding fatty foods. Therefore, the company should ensure that its products meet the required standards and are healthy. On the other hand, in order to retain the customers, the firm need to shift its focus towards customer relationship management. Currently, there are many competitors in the market. As a result, customers easily be swayed away from the products. As a result, it is significant for the company to work towards satisfying the tastes and preferences of the target market (Prasad, 2010). This will be significant in increasing its market share and improving its competitive advantage. In order for the company to address the growth issues, it needs to conduct an intensive market research. This is to identify factors that have made the customers to change their consumption behavior and what changes are necessary to reposition the company in the market. In addition, the research should also identify the effective advertising channel and the best advertising message to use in order to attract the customers towards its products. This is to ensure that the adverts are compatible with the local